The operation used to remove excess pockets of fat is called facial suction lipectomy, or liposuction. The procedure is not a substitute for weight loss and exercise if excessive facial fat is part of an overall weight problem. Liposuction is performed by inserting a special instrument (a cannula) beneath the skin through a tiny incision placed either below the chin or just behind the earlobe in a natural crease or fold. A suction apparatus connected to the cannula removes the unwanted fat cells. These cells will not be replaced, since fat cells do not multiply, as fat cells increase and decrease in size, not number.
After the fat is removed, the overlying skin collapses and shrinks to create a smooth appearance; the more elastic skin, the better the result.
Liposuction can be done alone or in combination with other facial plastic surgery procedures. For example, combining liposuction with a facelift may help create a better overall result in skin elasticity is poor, since excess fat is removed at the same time as excess sagging skin.
Combined liposuction with a chin implant can help correct a receding or double chin.
Depending on the inherent elasticity of the skin and the amount of postoperative swelling, there may be no noticeable results until one or two months after surgery. On the other hand, if the patient’s skin is relatively healthy with good elasticity (allowing the skin to contract rapidly), and if there is minimal swelling, the results may be noticed immediately, and often, dramatic improvement can be easily seen early in the postoperative course. Overall, the final result should be evident six months after the surgery. At that point, all of the swelling is gone, and any irregularities or firmness noted immediately after surgery will have softened and smoothed out.
Facial liposuction is normally performed under local anesthesia; the specific area will be numbed and a relaxing medication may be administered to keep you comfortable.
Instructions for Neck Liposuction Procedure:
(performed under local anesthesia)
- You may remove the head wrap the day after surgery.
- Ice neck region every hour for at least 15 minutes for 2 days.
- Keep incisions clean (bottom of ears and chin) using a mild soap.
- Apply antibiotic ointment (ex: Neosporin) to incisions twice daily.
- Sleep with head elevated (4-5 pillows or recliner) for a week.
- Sutures will be removed in 1 week.
- No exercise, heavy lifting or bending over for 2 weeks.
- Wear TENNIS HEADBAND 24 hours a day for 1 week and then as much as possible for the next 4-6 weeks.